PharmaMar announced Yondelis® has gained approval for price and reimbursement in Italy Madrid, 26th January 2009:
PharmaMar announced today that Yondelis® has gained approval for price and reimbursement in Italy. With this approval, PharmaMar has successfully finalised negotiations for the price and reimbursement of Yondelis® with the Italian authorities. Yondelis® will have same price it has in the rest of European countries. Once
price and reimbursement approval for Yondelis® has been gained, the next steps towards the commercialization of the drug in Italy will be taken soon. This means Yondelis ® may be commercially available to patients in Italy in the nest weeks. YONDELIS®
is currently being marketed in the European Union for the treatment of Soft tissue Sarcoma in adults after the failure of standard therapy. PharmaMar has started a phase III multicenter study of Yondelis® as first-line therapy in patients with tumor traslocation, Ewing's sarcoma, or not rhabdomyosarcomatose soft tissue sarcomas and other types of STS. Yondelis® is being studied in solid tumors with high incidence and prevalence in the population, such as prostate, breast and lung cancer. Yondelis® has been designated
orphan drug for the treatment of soft tissue sarcomas and ovarian cancer in the European Union, United States and Switzerland, and for soft tissue sarcomas in Korea. According to the
agreement between PharmaMar a subsidiary of Zeltia, S.A- and Ortho Biotech Products, L.P. a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson- , under which Yondelis® is developed, PharmaMar will market Yondelis® in Europe (including Eastern Europe) and Japan, and Ortho Biotech Products, L.P. will market Yondelis® in the rest of the world. Both companies filed a registration dossier to the EMEA and the FDA for Yondelis for the treatment of refractory ovarian cancer at the end of 2008. At the end of 2008 both companies submitted a Registration Dossier of Yondelis® in relapsed ovarian cancer (ROC) to the EMEA and the FDA. A decision on the approval for this indication is expected to take place during 2009. Soft tissue sarcomas STS are a diverse group of more than 50 types of tumours that appear in fatty tissue, muscle, nerve tissue, tendons and blood and lymph vessels. Nearly half of them affect the extremities. According to data from GEIS (Spanish research group in sarcomas) soft tissue sarcomas (STS) have an incidence of around 3/100,000 new cases per year, which represents 2% of the overall mortality from cancer. The highest incidence is situated in patients around 50 years of age. The five-year survival rate of patients with STS is around 90% when detected early (stage I), that is, when the tumour is small and with no metastasis. However, the five-year survival rate in patients with metastatic disease is 10-20% . The estimated life expectancy in metastatic patients is 8-12 months after receiving the first line of cytotoxic therapy. PharmaMar
PharmaMar is the world-leading biopharmaceutical company of the Zeltia Group, committed to advancing the treatment of cancer through the discovery and development of new marine-derived medicines. Yondelis® is the first Spanish antitumoral compound, currently marketed in the European Union for the treatment of soft tissue sarcomas in adults after the failure of standard therapy. Last December 4th, 2008 PharmaMar submitted a Registration Dossier of Yondelis® in relapsed ovarian cancer (ROC) to the EMEA. A decision on the approval for this indication is expected to take place by mid-2009. PharmaMar has four novel compounds in clinical development: Yondelis® is also in Phase II studies in prostate, breast and pediatric cancers. Aplidin ®, Zalypsis ®, and Irvalec ® are new marine-derived agents in clinical development. PharmaMar also has an extensive portfolio of products in preclinical research and a sound R&D program. Important note
PharmaMar, based in Madrid, Spain, is a company of the Zeltia Group (Spanish Stock Exchange, ZEL) that has been listed on the Spanish Stock Exchange since 1963. This document is a press release, not a brochure. This document does not constitute nor is it part of any offer or invitation to sell or issue any application of purchase, offer, or shares subscription of the Group. Likewise, this document nor its distribution is part or can be of base for any contract or investment decision and does not constitute any kind of recommendation in relation with the shares of the Company. For further information:
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Alfonso Hurtado de Mendoza Florencia Radizza This press release is also available in the News Area of

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